WYC student recognized as a top 10 student service leader at Hong Kong Student Service Leaders Award 2021-22
29 July, 2022

Congratulations to Or Pui Yee who was selected as one of the top 10 Student Service Leaders at Hong Kong Student Service Leaders Award 2021-22, after demonstrating her outstanding service records and impressive performance in interviews. As a final selection criteria, Pui Yee worked with other finalists in launching a brand new service project "zing1lou4" (homophone to the Cantonese word for “steam oven”). The project aimed at raising awareness and instilling a proper understanding of mental health issues among secondary school students.


The final interview of this year's award was held on 29 July 2022 with Bernard Charnwut Chan, Chairperson of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, on the judging panel. Organized by Dream Compassioneers, Hong Kong Student Service Leaders Award aims to encourage promising students with outstanding community service through service projects and workshops that are held jointly with universities.