Life Education

We believe that every student is unique possessing their individuality, self-worth and beauty, and should therefore be valued and treated with respect. In nurturing students’ whole-person development, we are committed to shaping their lives and personalities with Christian values, having their potentials developed to the fullest, and providing a caring campus where students can feel the love and care of God, teachers and peers. We aim to support our students to pursue their life goals with vision, passion and perseverance.

As secondary school education is the formative period for teenagers to foster their beliefs and values, it is an important stage to get them prepared for a successful and fruitful life in adulthood.  Besides helping them cultivate good learning habits with pleasant experiences, we have to give them more room for independence: to find out who they are, like their strengths, passion, interest, hobbies, friends, career; how far and wide they want to go, like taking adventures beyond family, school, society; and how much adversity they can stand.

Measures for life education include:


  1. Provision of value education for students to establish positive values and attitudes;

  2. Provision of multiple pathways for students with different strengths & interests;

  3. Provision of different learning experiences, especially leadership responsibilities and community services, to enhance students’ sense of responsibility and leadership qualities & skills;

  4. Formulation of a whole-school policy and planning on support of identified student needs;

  5. Fostering a caring campus with support network to facilitate good interpersonal relationship & personal growth.