Life Education

Our aim is to encourage students to serve with their strengths and interest as ‘servant leaders’ by offering them various opportunities and platforms for leadership experience. Our school provides different leadership responsibilities and community services, to enhance students’ sense of responsibility, leadership qualities and skills. Opportunities for leadership responsibilities include:

  1. Challenging posts of responsibility to senior students as student leaders

  2. Clubs and societies: opportunities for students to take up responsibilities in running activities

  3. Ambassadors: opportunities for students to serve or promote activities with their strengths or interests

School Prefects


  1. To serve as a righteous leader with social justice and moral courage, daring to do what is right;


  1. To foster a harmonious and caring campus by creating a bully-free learning environment and encouraging schoolmates to lead a disciplined life with self-respect, responsibility and justice;


  1. To serve as a bridge between the school Discipline Committee and schoolmates: striking a balance between rights and responsibility; law and mercy.


Student Union

  1. To serve as a bridge between school management and schoolmates, enhancing students’ involvement in school policy making and fighting for better terms of students’ welfare;


  1. To foster the well-being of the school community by cultivating a sense of belonging among schoolmates, together with accountability to the voters/schoolmates;


  1. To develop communal awareness with social responsibility and sense of justice.

House Captains

  1. To cultivate brotherhood across senior and junior forms;


  1. To foster a sense of pride over the uniqueness of the House and achievements of the members;


  1. To mobilize schoolmates to work together for the good of their House.

Christian Leaders

  1. To foster a righteous and loving campus by showing concern to school and/or social affairs based on Christian beliefs and values;


  1. To show concern to fellow schoolmates by embracing differences and reaching out to those in needs;


  1. To mobilize Christian schoolmates to express Christian perspectives and/or live out their belief.