About WYC
Our Mission

Being aligned with the school goal, “to foster whole-person education based on Christian principles; to nurture abundant life through the gospel and biblical truths; to carry on the school tradition of perseverance, diligence, frugality, respect for teachers and love for the school”, the school aims:


  1. To enable students to know the Christian truth and face life’s challenges positively, leading an abundant life;

  2. To provide students with a balanced development in moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual spheres so that they can exert their potential, build up self-confidence, assume responsibility and actualize the school motto, “we work together, we care, we serve”;

  3. To nurture students to be life-long learners through their fervent strive for truth and their capability of independent thinking, self-reflection and self-improvement;

  4. To cultivate students’ love for their family and school, concern for the community and environment, understanding of and adaptability to global changes, and commitment to the society and the country.