WYC students awarded in the Historical Building Competition
19 August, 2022

Congratulations to all WYC students who were awarded in the Historical Building Competition (「築.動.歷史」全港中學生比賽). Our students achieved both individual and team awards at the competition. Jointly organized by the Education Bureau and the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, the competition aimed to cultivate students’ interest in Chinese history through exploring and appreciating the beauty and cultural value of built heritage in Hong Kong.


Lai Lin, Wai Isabella and Tsang Lok Ching Joyce attended the Historical Building Competition – Treasure Hunt (尋.謎.歷史築蹟比賽). The team competed against 70 teams from 41 schools in solving puzzles of heritage sites in Hong Kong. The students demonstrated strong historical awareness and placed second overall.


Tsoi Cara attended the Historical Building Competition – Mascot Design (「築.動.歷史」歷史建築吉祥物設計比賽). Her design came second out of 1662 entries from 52 schools.