WYC team won HKSTPC Potential Techno-Project Award at the InnoMind® Competition 2023-2024
6 July, 2024

The team of Pan Ching Man, Pang On Ni, Poon Wai Kiu and Tsang Wing, known as “Rising Ace”, won the HKSTPC Potential Techno-Project Award with a cash prize of HKD 5,000 in the InnoMind® Competition 2023-2024 organized by the Young Entrepreneurs Development Council.


Their innovative project, “HelloPitty”, is a digital platform designed to meet the growing demand for online pet care and to promote the welfare of homeless pets. The team excelled in both their written proposal and presentation, impressing the judging panel with their vision of integrating technology into everyday life and their passion for animal care.


The InnoMind® Competition aimed at inspiring students to think creatively for solving problems and encouraging them to put their creativity into practice. It offered students a valuable chance to showcase their innovative and business ideas in front of industry executives.