The 22nd AGM of Parent-Teacher Association cum Executive Committee and IMC Parent Manager Elections
15 October, 2022

The 22th Annual General Meeting of Parent-Teacher Association was held on 15 October 2022, the first face-to-face AGM since the start of the pandemic. The AGM was followed by the Executive Committee and IMC Parent Manager elections.


We are glad to have about 120 families joining the event. The principal expressed heartfelt gratitude to the 21st executive committee members of the PTA for their support to the college. The former chairlady, Ms. S. Y. Yeung, gave an account on the activities organized last year and presented long service award to 17 parents and teachers.


Nine new PTA committee members and two parent managers were elected for the coming academic year. After the election, secondary one parents had a chance to meet class teachers while parents of secondary two to six students were invited to attend a parents’ talk on parent-child communication.