50th School Anniversary cum HK Alumni Association 60th Anniversary Banquet
29 April, 2023

In celebration of the 50th School Anniversary and HK Alumni Association 60th Anniversary, WYC hosted a banquet on 29 April 2023, at Gordon Wu Hall, BP International, bringing together Wayingers of different generations for a heart-warming reunion. Honourable guests including representatives of sponsoring bodies, Incorporated Management Committee, Parent-Teacher Association and Foshan sister schools joined WYC staff, students and alumni at the evening that marked the finale of WYC’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.


With more than 600 Wayingers joining the banquet, we gathered to express our gratitude to God for His blessings and celebrated Wa Ying’s half-century of excellence. The night unfolded through four captivating sessions: Students’ Performances, Recounts of Blessings, Celebrations of Waying Talents, and Embracing the Dream, Embracing the Future.


Let’s revisit the joyful moments!