Cultural Excursion at Beijing National Day Experimental School
19 June, 2023

WYC organized a cultural exchange trip from 19 June to 24 June 2023. Led by Principal Wun, a team of 16 Wayingers, including 5 teachers, 2 office staff members and 9 students, visited the Beijing National Day Experimental School to explore its unique curriculum and immerse themselves in a glamourous campus with state-of-the-art facilities and a conductive learning environment. Relationships between student and staff from Beijing and WYC have been established.


To provide an authentic experience of the local culture, various outdoor activities were arranged. The group visited numerous iconic sites in Beijing such as like Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, the Imperial Palaces, the Temple of Heaven, the Bird’s Nest and the Ice Cube. These visits allowed them to gain insights into the life and culture of ancient and modern China, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of the rich heritage of our motherland.