Badges and Flag Presentation Ceremony 2023
12 October, 2023

On 12 October 2023, the annual Badges and Flag Presentation Ceremony was held. This event holds a special significance as it formally inducts the school's sports teams and newly elected student leaders into their roles. It also provides a platform for student leaders to articulate their visions and missions for the upcoming year.


Under the guidance of our Vice Principal, Mr. Yeung Wing Sun, the sports teams and incoming leaders were presented with their badges and the school flag. Acknowledging the challenges they might face, the athletes and student leaders confidently read aloud the pledge and promised to serve the school under all circumstances. The student leaders then took the stage to present their respective year plans for the student body this year.


Mr. Yeung concluded the ceremony with words of encouragement, emphasizing the responsibilities that come with being a student leader. He stressed the importance of acting out our school motto, “We Work Together. We Care. We Serve.” and urged the entire student body to foster unity.