52nd Anniversary cum Speech Day
11 November, 2023

The 52nd Anniversary cum Speech Day was successfully held in the School Hall. We were delighted to have IMC members, graduates, teachers, and parents join us in celebrating the school anniversary and student achievements.


Our Principal, Dr. Wun Chi Wa, delivered a speech to welcome all guests and provide updates on recent school developments. Dr. Chan Pak Wai (Keen Seh), Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, graced the event as our distinguished guest. In his address, he narrated his journey from Wa Ying to his current role. Dr. Chan recounted how he discovered his interests during his school days, pursued natural sciences after high school, and remains passionately dedicated to scientific research to this day. He urged fellow students to explore their favorite fields and not to give up on their dreams. Following his inspiring speech, Dr. Chan presented certificates to the prize winners.


Mr. Ben Chiu Kwok Wing (Hang Seh), the former president of the Alumni Association, shared on behalf of the alumni, taking everyone down memory lane as he reminisced about his fondest memories as a Wayinger. Long service awards were then presented to our dedicated school staff during the ceremony.


The highlight of the day was the Coronation Ceremony, which was held for the first time in the School Hall, recognizing the contributions of alumni who graduated over 40 years ago to the alma mater and society. Four senior teachers, including former principal Mr. Tsang Kai Man, former vice-principals Mrs. Pang Leung Wai Yu and Mrs. Cheng Cheung Wai Shum, and Mr. To Cho Foo, were invited to present commemorative scarves to each attending alumnus. This was followed by the inaugural S4 Blessing Ceremony, marking a new phase in students’ learning journey. The school presented each class representative with the school badge as a symbol of our heartfelt blessings.


The Speech Day was further elevated by our Recorder Band and String Orchestra with their melodious performance. The evening was a joyous celebration filled with pride from our students, staff, parents, and alumni. The event concluded with a refreshing reception for our guests.