Interview with Alumnus Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, the President of The Education University of Hong Kong
9 July, 2024

A group of S3–S5 students, including LPEC Ambassadors, a dedicated group of students with a strong interest in the field of education, as well as those responsible for Lustre and Campus TV, were recently granted the opportunity to interview Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, JP, who is the President at The Education University of Hong Kong and our distinguished alumnus.


In this exclusive interview, Professor Lee shared invaluable advice that deeply resonated with students. He emphasized the importance of staying curious and open-minded as essential traits for personal and intellectual growth. He encouraged students to actively create knowledge, ask thoughtful questions, seek feedback and be willing to explore unfamiliar territories beyond their comfort zones. He suggested students learn and grow continuously, which was crucial for their future academic and career pursuits.


After the enlightening interview with Professor Lee, students has the opportunity to visit the exhibition “National Glory – Exhibition on the Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team”. The exhibition, organized by The Education University of Hong Kong and Tianjin University of Sport, reveals the rich history and indomitable spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team over four decades. Students explored inspiring stories of ten world championship victories and admired artifacts like trophies, medals and match uniforms.