The 48th Graduation Ceremony
30 June, 2022

The 48th Graduation Ceremony was held in the School Hall on 30th June 2022.


It was our honor to have invited Rev. Lam Chun, Tim to be the guest of honor and to deliver an inspirational speech at the ceremony. The graduates were presented with certificates and prizes from Rev. Lam. To express their gratitude to the school and parents who had nurtured them, Cheng Tan Yuet and Siu Yiu Fai represented the Class of 2022 in giving votes of thanks to the school and parents respectively.


Long service souvenirs were then presented to staff members for their years of commitment and contribution to the school. The ceremony ended with a benediction by the school supervisor Rev. Dr. Lam Sung Che.


All the graduates joyfully engaged themselves in capturing memories by taking photos with their classmates, family members, and teachers.