
School News

Announcement Concerning “Vaccine Pass” Arrangement


Per the guidelines on "vaccine pass" arrangement issued by the Education Bureau, starting from 24 February 2022, all teaching and non-teaching staff, persons providing on-campus services and visitors (for example, volunteers, parents, caregivers, and alumni) of school will be required to present vaccination records of at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine prior to their entry into school premises.


In addition, according to relevant guidelines, visitors to the school must also scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" verification QR code before entering the campus by 24 February and thereafter.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


按教育局發出關於「疫苗通行證」措施的指引,由2022年 2月24日起,所有教學及非教學人員、在校園內提供服務人士及到訪者 (包括義工、家長,照顧者及校友等),須出示至少已接種第一劑2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的記錄,才可進入學校。


此外,按相關指引,由2月24日起,到訪學校人士亦必須掃描「安心出行」驗證二維碼 (QR Code),方可進入校園。

